Ambassador Noa Furman

Ambassador Noa Furman

  •   Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations

    With 25 years of experience as a diplomat with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Noa Furman has played a key role in representing the State of Israel.

    Prior to taking up her position as Israel’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in July 2017, Ms. Furman served from 2014 to 2017 as Director of the East Africa Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem, where she was responsible for the development and management of Israeli policy in the African region.


    From 2010 to 2014, she served as Minister Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations in New York, where she was in charge of Israel’s human rights issues and humanitarian affairs. She was also posted to the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations in Geneva from 2004 to 2008, where she represented Israel at the World Health Organization (WHO), International Labour Organization (ILO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and numerous other UN agencies and international organizations.

    Ambassador Furman has held a number of other positions in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Deputy Director of the International Organizations Department and in the Legal Department. She also served in the Israeli embassies in Canberra, Australia (1999-2002) and Dakar, Senegal (1996-1999).

    Ms. Furman holds a BA in Law and Political Science from Tel Aviv University and an MA in Public Policy and Government from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is a Member of the Israel Bar Association. She is married and has two children.